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goose 2:14 Tue Apr 23
Coaching badges
Any ever done their coaching badges?
Am considering doing mine.

There’s loads of info on the FA website but it’s more people’s first hand experiences im interested in.

Much love.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Jim C 10:41 Wed Apr 24
Re: Coaching badges
Level 1 is pathetically easy and done in a few weeks. In my professional and former voluntary role I have met countless number of coaches and have only ever heard of 2 people failing it. One tuned up an hour late wearing flip flops and the other answered his phone during his assessment. You have to try bloody hard not to pass.

I would strongly recommend Level 2, it certainly improved my awareness of the game and also made me a better player. It takes time and effort but is well worth it.

Razzle 11:34 Wed Apr 24
Re: Coaching badges
Important if you are involved i kids football as there is a big push on child safeguarding. Something that "gobby" parents should be made aware of.

Fifth Column 9:30 Wed Apr 24
Re: Coaching badges
I've done level 1 and 2.

Learnt nothing on Level 1. If you turn up on time and can spell your own name you'll pass.

Level 2 was a lot more interesting and useful. Also more of a challenge.

As others have said it's v v difficult to make a living from it. You need to be prepared to work loads of hours for free or v little each week for years to potentially get a decent break. So you need to start doing it from a v young age.

A mate of mine did that and is now earning brilliant wage at Man City Academy. However he's the 1 in 10000 exception.

yngwies Cat 9:39 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
Got level 1, really enjoyed it.

First season coaching U 11s Off side 9x9 and lots of goby parents.

Worth doing, all about the England DNA, which hopefully beating fruit, mind you with lot a draw would be nice.

terry-h 9:21 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
Some of you trying to get a job coaching the West Ham ladies?

Sorry lads, rumour has it they are all lesbians.

goose 8:48 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
How so Bolty?

It’s a hobby as my sons started playing and I love my football.

Maybe I could be a failed estate agent instead?

Ashy 8:45 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
Did my level 2 about 6years ago and really enjoyed it.
Despite playong semi-pro in the past, I learned loads as a player doing that too, but wanted it as I took over running my son's u15s.
The technique info and transferring that to games is really good.
I do resent the requirements from the FA to do extra "learning" courses as most of it seems to be less advanced than the level 2 stuff, but a few hours online isnt a massive hardship.

Vexed 7:18 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
That's a bit rich coming from you Block you shit job car crash.

Block 6:42 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges

Fucking hell Goosey, you are the gift that keeps giving.

Browno22 6:32 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
I remember my first game of Football Manager

MrSnoogans 6:24 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
i enjoyed mine. Although i was very jealous of the 17/18 year olds in my group who did the level one in May, then did a season for Level Two. they could literally go anywhere in the world with those two qualifications. The tecaher actively encouraged them to go and spend a few years in US/Canada.

Good fun though, 4 weekends on the trotin last years very hot May. You basically play football for a few hours evey weekend.

As mentioned previously, if you want to do it professionally in the uk, unless you are an ex pro its a tough nut to crack. You get paid more working in starbucks.

great way to travel the world though always see adverts on twitter for residential stays in the far east, if i was 17 again.....

gregan 4:11 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
Worth doing. In the old days it was all about long ball but through copying bits from Spain, Germany and Holland over the years we now seem to be on the right path. Pete Sturgess who leads up the foundation age groups at the FA is very switched on and ex England futsal manager.

For a zoltan point I actually coached a gk at 1v1s in my assessment who played at a World Cup. I’m not even a gk, was just doing it to learn more and this goalkeeper was on the course.

wrighty 3:10 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
Got level 1 & 2 and YAM 1 & 2.

Well worth doing and parents expect it anyway. Even if it’s just for your own kids in the garden or park it’s worth it.

Level 2 is the first half of the B Licence so you need to be coaching regularly at a club to progress to the full B Licence.

The A Licence is expensive and you’ll need to be at a decent club. It’s all a big commitment on your personal life.

zico 3:01 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
I got Junior Team Managers Cert and FA Coaching Certificate back in 2000 which is Level One and Level Two now, I think! Level One was just a weekend course where Level Two was two weeks "learning" from Charles Hughes like dinosaurs and then I had to do a lot of hours coaching with Lesson Plans etc being signed by another coach which took months. Got a couple of coaching jobs afterwards but it was impossible to make a living out of it because you may have loads of clients but they want sessions done at the same time as someone else so maybe ended up doing around 12-15 hours a week if I was lucky.

Must have changed a fair bit now but I think quite a few Clubs have an "in the community" bit now so you can probably find jobs there.

Not sure if it's changed but I found it laughable that if you wanted to go higher Joe Public had to pay for it but ex pro's got it paid for. Thousands of grand a week and they get a freebie!!!

zico 2:59 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
I got Junior Team Managers Cert and FA Coaching Certificate back in 2000 which is Level One and Level Two now, I think! Level One was just a weekend course where Level Two was two weeks "learning" from Charles Hughes like dinosaurs and then I had to do a lot of hours coaching with Lesson Plans etc being signed by another coach which took months. Got a couple of coaching jobs afterwards but it was impossible to make a living out of it because you may have loads of clients but they want sessions done at the same time as someone else so maybe ended up doing around 12-15 hours a week if I was lucky.

Must have changed a fair bit now but I think quite a few Clubs have an "

goose 2:52 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
thats my major concern, is it very difficult to make progress if you havent played as a pro??

boleyn8420 2:51 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
Got up to UEFA B and thought about doing the Pro Licence but it would have been a waste of time and money as it seemed then and even more so now only ex-footballers get jobs in football but if you're doing it to enhance enjoyment with the club you're at then the sessions are good fun and you do start to understand the game more

goose 2:45 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges

think i'll give it a shot, quite fancy myself as the next Glen Roeder.

diehardhammer 2:39 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
Yeah it's mostly Health and safety and setting up basic training sessions whilst including all players no matter what ability and adapting where the students aren't able to understand what the target of the drill is etc

-[Rasta]- 2:39 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
the club pay for it for me so if I stay and start doing the 13 up Ill do the level 2, level one has the first aid/protecting children and the basic coaching for that age group

goose 2:31 Tue Apr 23
Re: Coaching badges
yeh from memory it goes up to £3k for uefa A license.

from what i know level 1 is mostly about health & safety?

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